Welcome to the TRIO Student Support Services program!

We serve students who have chosen to be in college, so that they can improve all areas of their lives. The TRIO SSS program offers assistance which guides the learning process.

Staff members work hard to build an atmosphere in which students feel accepted and comfortable. We are passionate about the success of each student.  It is the goal of TRIO to help students to graduate with a degree and/or certificate.

About TRIO

TRIO SSS is a 100% federally funded program at Jackson College.  Our main goal is to assist TRIO students in graduating from Jackson College with a certificate, degree, and/or transfer to a four-year institution of higher education.  The TRIO department also strives to ensure that students are well rounded academically and personally.  This means that they are involved on campus, in the community, and within the TRIO program.

TRIO offers a support system for students who may not otherwise have one, with services that focus on supporting the whole student, beyond just academic performance.


All of the services provided by TRIO are geared towards helping the students to gain skills that will allow them to be successful students, involved community members, and active TRIO students/alumni.

  • Academic & Career Advising
  • Monthly Workshops
  • 4-year College Visits
  • Personal Counseling
  • Semester Progress Reports
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • College & Community Resources
  • Career Preparation
  • Social & Cultural Events
  • College Application Assistance
  • Financial Literacy & Financial Aid Assistance
  • Volunteerism
  • Mentorship Programs



We inspire and empower students to fulfill their life and academic goals.


The Jackson College TRIO Student Support Services program will be a model program, recognized for best practices and strategies in promoting retention and graduation of its participants.


  • We believe in our students.
  • We believe in providing the assistance and mentoring needed to help students achieve academic success.
  • We believe each student has the ability to become an independent learner.
  • We believe in a welcoming environment.
  • We value educational achievement.
  • We value lifelong learning.

TRIO Qualifications

One of the following must be met…

  • First Generation College Student (neither parent or legal guardian graduated with a bachelor degree)
  • Student with a Documented Disability (504, IEP, etc.)
  • Income-Eligible Student (as determined by federal guidelines)

TRIO Expectations

Per Semester

  • Meet with each of your instructors (in-person) at least once during their office hours.
  • Meet with the TRIO Academic Advisor to discuss next semester course selection and complete an Student Education Plan (SEP).

Yearly (September 1st – August 31st)

  • Attend one Workshop
  • Attend one Social Event
  • Attend one Cultural Outing

Before completion of the TRIO program

  • Finish a certificate or degree before transferring or graduating from Jackson College.
  • Attend one Financial Literacy Workshop.
  • Attend one Time Management Workshop.
  • Attend at least one 4-year College Visit


  • Always seek help from a TRIO staff member before going to another department/program.
  • Meet with the TRIO Academic Advisor before withdrawing/dropping from a class.
  • Aspire to be a role model for other students so that I may be asked to become a mentor for a new TRIO student.
  • If you are on the H-list, you will complete five hours of study each week until your instructor confirms you have improved.  This will be for every class you receive an H in.

Frequently Asked Questions

TRIO Application

Students must be accepted into the TRIO program. A limited number of students are served each year. The TRIO Student Support Service project at Jackson College is 100% funded by the U.S. Department of Education, with an annual budget of $261,888.

TRIO Application

Academic Advising

Student success navigators serve not only as academic advisors but as a student’s academic, financial and total resource advocate or coach. They are part of a new initiative at the College focusing on student success. Students will have an assigned navigator to meet with for advising and any questions they may have. Navigators will serve as the “go-to” person to help students throughout the college experience.

Current TRIO Students

TRIO provides a host of services for students such as, tutoring, academic advising, locating scholarships & grants, opportunities to advocate for TRIO, professional development, workshops, and employment.

If there is a useful resource that is not posted on our TRIO page please let us know and we might be able to accommodate you.

The TRIO Student Support Service project at Jackson College is 100% funded by the U.S. Department of Education, with an annual budget of $261,888.

TRIO Student Resources

*Click on the links below to be forwarded to web pages or e-mails to setup an appointment.

Request for Tutoring

Academic/Career Advising


Scholarship Resources Guide

Health Related Resources

Contact TRIO

Bert Walker Hall
2111 Emmons Road
Jackson, MI 49201

Phone: 517.990.1412